I decided I wanted to take a minute and write down all the different foods I give to my little one. I also wanted to do this to remind me of my little ones favourites :) A lot of the food I mention like mini pizza or mini pot pie ~ I make in advance and freeze so I have them stocked for when I need them. There may be a few meals I forgot to include like if we are at a restaurant or just out and about but for the most part this is what my little ones meals look like :)
I will start the morning off by giving my little one a handful of the Whole Foods 365 Morning O's or Rainbow O's in his Skip Hop Snack cup while I prepare breakfast :)

I think lunch is when my little one eats the most!

Lately, I have been giving my little one what we are eating for dinner just a different variation of it of course cut up smaller, etc.

* Mixed vegetables usually includes corn, peas, & carrots
* Fruit includes pears, apples, berries, strawberries, banana, melon, and apricot
* Fruit smoothie is frozen mixed berries, banana, yogurt, & coconut milk in the Contigo Kids Cup with Straw
* Jam usually varies from fig, strawberry, apricot, berry, or wild blueberry ( Crofters Organic Jam or homemade ( Fig or Strawberry)
* Cheese is usually cheddar, mozzarella, or marble
* Most if not all bread is whole wheat
* Ozery Bakery 'Morning Rounds' in Orange Cranberry or Apple Cinnamon
Well that is pretty much it for my 'baby menu' if I notice I am changing up what I am feeding my little one I may update this menu but for now this is what little one's meals looks like :)
I might do a separate post for snacks & specifically my littles ones favourite snacks for on the go. I try to save the snacks that come in packaging for outings or the park :)